miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Arranca era de Donald Trump

El Gobierno del magnate neoyorquino Donald Trump comenzó como se esperaba, con acciones ejecutivas tratando de erradicar todo lo que se parezca a la administración de Barack Obama, con la orden ejecutiva de comenzar el desmonte gradual o parcial de la ley de seguros médicos pagos "Affordable Care Act", conocida como Obamacare.

Libre comercio

Peroel tratamiento no parece que sería igual para todos, mientras comenzó la labor de su yerno Jared Kushner como mano derecha de Trump y lo envió a negociar el tratado de libre comercio con Canadá, será el presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, quien vaya a la Casa Blanca a reunirse con el presidente Trump para discutir sobre el tratamiento comercial, sus inmigrantes y ante todo quién pagará por el muro para dividir a Norteamérica de sus vecinos centroamericanos.


Trump shows that he means it, is it

Donald Trump launched his presidency on Friday, January 20th announcing start transferring power from Washington, D.C. to give it back to the people, and since now and forever America will be first.
To show what means, he signed an Executive Order about the "Affordable Care Act," called Obama-care. 
And to start to show how it will be with our neighbors, about free trade, he sent to Canada his Son-In-Law, Jared Kushner, meanwhile the White House confirmed that the Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto would meet with Mr. Trump in late January.
They would talk about the free trade agreement with Canada and the USA. 
Could that mean that the United States Government will treat pretty different his partners depending on who will be his opponent?